Development in McKernan
Edmonton's changing development landscape
Planning for now: Edmonton's New Zoning Bylaw
adapted from City of Edmonton, Zoning Bylaw Renewal
Edmonton’s new Zoning Bylaw (Charter Bylaw 20001) and city-wide rezoning (Charter Bylaw 21001) were approved by City Council at the Statutory Public Hearing on October 23, 2023. The new Bylaw and Zoning Map came effect on January 1, 2024.
Zoning determines the development potential of a site today. If the zone allows single-detached, duplex or row housing, that is what can be built there. As new homes and businesses are developed to welcome more Edmontonians, the City’s Development Planners will ensure that all proposed developments follow these rules.
Planning for the future: District Planning
adapted from City of Edmonton, District Planning
While the new Zoning Bylaw and rezoning will guide what can be built now, Edmonton is also planning for growth in the future. This is done through District Planning, which sets the policy direction to guide redevelopment of the 15 districts in Edmonton.
District Plans apply as properties are rezoned to a new zoning designation. When an application to rezone a property is made, the City’s Development Planner will determine if the proposed development aligns with policies in the relevant district plan (and any other relevant statutory plan) as part of their analysis. They will provide a recommendation to City Council on whether or not the rezoning should be approved and City Council will make the final decision.
The District Planning project is not proposing to rezone any land across the city. This means that your underlying zone will not change if district plans are adopted.
District plans and District Policy were adopted in October 2024. McKernan is part of the Scona District.
​As part of the District Planning process, many of the geographic plans that have been developed in Edmonton over time are proposed to be rolled into their corresponding district plan. The McKernan-Belgravia Station Area Redevelopment Plan (ARP) is one such plan, and many of the ARP’s features have been included in the draft Scona District Plan.
Development that can now happen on single-family lots
Community meeting October 3, 2024
See the October 2024 issue of the McKernan Messenger for a summary of this meeting.
View the City of Edmonton's presentation
Proposed/approved higher density developments in McKernan
Project location: 109 St. and University Ave.
Developer name(s): Situate
Address: 10903 University Ave. to 10921 University Ave.
Requested rezoning: RM h23 - Medium Scale Residential Zone
Details of development: The Medium Scale Residential Zone (RM h23) would allow for mid rise multi-unit residential development with a maximum height of 23.0 metres (approximately 6 storeys) and limited commercial opportunities at ground level. In the Scona District Plan, most of the site is located within the 109 Street Secondary Corridor.
Status: Application LDA25-0054 was submitted to the city in January 2025. A public hearing date has not yet been set.
Contact: City planner Andrew Mclellan, Andrew.Mclellan@edmonton.ca
Project location: 111 St. and 77 Ave.
Developer name(s): BM Homes
Address: 11107 - 77 Ave.
Requested rezoning: RSM h12 - Small-Medium Scale Transition Residential Zone
Details of development: The RSMh12 zone allows buildings up to 12.0 m tall (approximately 3 storeys), and 60% site coverage. In the Scona District Plan, the site is located near the 76 Ave. corridor.
Status: Application LDA25-0005 was submitted to the city in January 2025. A public hearing date has not yet been set.
Contact: City planner Andrew Sherstone, andrew.sherstone@edmonton.ca
Project location: 115 St. and 79 Ave.
Developer name(s): BM Homes
Address: 111450 - 79 Ave.
Requested rezoning: RSM h14 - Small-Medium Scale Transition Residential Zone
Details of development: The RSMh14 zone allows buildings up to 14.0 m tall (approximately 4 storeys), and 60% site coverage. In the Scona District Plan, the site is located near the 114 Street Corridor and near the McKernan-Belgravia LRT Station.
Status: Application LDA25-0006 was submitted to the city in January 2025. A public hearing date has not yet been set.
Contact: City planner Andrew Sherstone, andrew.sherstone@edmonton.ca
Project location: 114 St. and University Ave.
Developer name(s): Prashantkumar Patel
Address: 11429 University Ave.
Requested rezoning: RSM h14 - Small-Medium Scale Transition Residential Zone
Details of development: The RSMh14 zone allows buildings up to 14.0 m tall (approximately 4 storeys), and 60% site coverage. In the Scona District Plan, the site is located within the 111 Street/114 Street Secondary Corridor.
Status: Public Hearing for Application LDA24-0280 will be held Feb 24, 2025.
Contact: City planner Stuart Carlyle, stuart.carlyle@edmonton.ca
Project location: 113 St. and 73 Ave.
Developer name(s): Brookside Realty, supported by Situate Inc.
Address: 11267-73 Ave. and 7225-113 St. (adjacent lots)
Requested rezoning: RSM h12 - Small-Medium Scale Transition Residential Zone
Details of development: From the project website: "The design process for the new buildings has not yet started. However, it is expected there will be two new buildings -- one on each lot. The property owners are also planning to keep the two existing garages with backyard housing that are located at the rear of the site." The RSMh12 zone allows buildings up to 12.0 m tall (approximately 3 storeys), and 60% site coverage.
Status: Application LDA24-0481 was submitted to the city in November 2024. A public hearing date has not yet been set.
Contact: City planner Saffron Newton, 780-423-3224 or saffron.newton@edmonton.ca ; Allison Rosland, planner at Situate, 587-402-1296, allison@situateinc.ca
Project location: 76 Ave. and 114 St.
Developer name(s): Anonymous; proposal prepared by GSA Consulting Inc.
Address: 11343-76 Avenue
Requested rezoning: DC2 (Direct Control)
Details of development: A 23.0-metre mid-rise development (up to six storeys), with 71 residential units ranging from studios to two bedrooms. Commercial premises on the northwest corner of the building; underground parkade accessed from the south laneway; a publicly accessible bicycle maintenance facility, and "$85,311 to the creation of, or improvement to, an off-Site Public Amenity such as parks, gardens or open spaces within the boundaries of the McKernan neighbourhood."
A DC2 rezoning is requested to allow this height, with the rationale that the City Plan designates 114 Street and the portion of 76 Avenue east of 114 Street as Secondary Corridors where mid-rise buildings would be allowed.
Status: Application LDA23-0010 was passed by Council July 2, 2024. See September 2024 issue of the McKernan Messenger for details.
Project location: 112 St. and 75 Ave.
Developer name: Leen Holdings
Address: 11203-75 Avenue
Requested rezoning: To the new RM h16.0 medium-scale residential zone.
Details of development: A four storey residential building up to a height of 16.0 metres. No details around units, parking or design are available at this time. No details around units, parking or design are available at this time.
The site is located outside the 76 Ave. Secondary corridor, although the developer argues that it is close enough to serve as a transition to lower-density and smaller buildings deeper into the community.
Status: Application LDA23-0307 was passed by Council Feb. 20, 2024 despite opposition from McKernan and Belgravia communities.