Current Issue
The McKernan Messenger is the official community newsletter
Established in 1954, The Messenger is edited and produced ten months of the year as the result of the hard work of Allan Suddaby. Delivery is completed by a dedicated group of neighbourhood residents directly to the doors of 1,100 homes. Content submissions are welcome and advertising and delivery concerns should be directed to Allan.
Regularly, The Messenger includes:
League meeting details (dates, times, special guests)
Updates on community initiatives
Community contacts
Community events
Hall rental information
Advertisements for businesses in the area
McKernan Messenger Submissions
Submissions for the Messenger should be directed to the editor by the 1st day of each month for publication in the middle of the month.
Advertising in the Messenger costs $25 for a business card size ad and $40 for a quarter page. Download our advertising information sheet.