View on north face (along 76 Ave.)
The property at 11343 - 76 Avenue NW (SE corner of the intersection) is proposing to rezone to allow for the development of a mid-rise residential building with:
A maximum height of 23 meters (or approximately 6 storeys);
A maximum density of 71 units;
A maximum Floor Area Ratio of 3.7; and
Ground floor commercial space in the northwest corner of the building.
Under the 2020 City Plan, this site has been identified as the intersection of two secondary corridors (76 Ave. and 114 St.) and thus appropriate for low-rise and mid-rise development of approximately 4 to 8 storeys.
The development proposal features individual entrances for ground-floor apartments on 76 Ave.; an underground parkade accessible from the lane; upgrading of the lane for the length of the property; geothermal heating and cooling system for the building; bicycle parking and a publicly accessible bicycle maintenance facility; and $85,311 contribution for "the creation of, or improvement to, an off-Site Public Amenity such as parks, gardens or open spaces within the boundaries of the McKernan neighbourhood."
You can review this rezoning application, including site plans and sun/wind studies, and comment at
Deadline for comment is January 8, 2024.