Join us for the McKernan Community League Annual General Meeting
Tuesday, April 2, 7:00 p.m at the community centre.
1. Annual General Meeting (brief!)
Election of officers (president, vice-president, directors)
Year-end business
2. Wine and Cheese Mixer (fun!)
Meet the executive, find out how you can help, discuss your concerns.
The positions of president and vice-president and two of the director-at-large positions are open for election for two-year terms. The Board would particularly like to have representation from a younger community member (university student or young adult). If you are keen on helping to make connections in the community, we’d love to hear from you.
About the positions:
President: supervises the affairs of the Board; chairs all meetings of the League, the Board and the Executive Committee; and acts as the spokesperson for the League
Vice-president: presides at meetings in the President’s absence; replaces the President at various functions; and is responsible for the annual review of the Bylaws, Policies and Procedures.
Director-at-large: Attends meetings of the league and the Board, and carries out League business as required.
If you are interested in any of these positions, please contact Roberta Franchuk (
Also, if you haven’t purchased your league membership, come and pick one up: they’ll be on sale at the AGM. See you then!
